North Yorkshire Council


Pension Board


6 July 2023


Administration Report


1.     Purpose of the Report

To provide Pension Board members with an update on key initiatives undertaken by the administration team of the North Yorkshire Pension Fund.


2.    Pension Fund Committee paper

Included for information at Appendix 1 is the administration paper and appendices provided to the Pension Fund Committee at their May 2023 meeting.


3.    Breaches Log

Included at Appendix 2 is the North Yorkshire Pension Fund’s Breaches Log for review. There have been two entries since the last meeting. Both have been accidental disclosure of personal data to another person, one by email and one by post.


4.    Annual Benefit Statements

Work continues on processing the year end data for our employers in preparation for the production of the 2023 annual benefit statements.


Files received – 194 of 198 expected

Files processed – 151 with 43 left to post

We continue to chase the outstanding returns.


5.    Major Projects

i-Connect - Employer portal

128 employers now onboarded with 105 remaining. We continue to progress the roll out programme but again it is impacted by the year end and annual benefit statement work.


We plan to increase the resource working on this later in the year to accelerate progress.



The data load into Test has been completed and the errors and warnings have been reviewed. This has resulted in the approach to the data load into Live being changed.


We need be confident the new data we’ve received won’t mess up the existing data we have particularly where we have already obtained service data in order to calculate and pay benefits. The only way to ensure this is to manually work through the data received and compare it to the data already held.


A project team will be put together to progress this through the summer.


6.    LGPC Bulletins

The LGPC regularly issues bulletins, which can include actions for administering authorities. The NYPF reviews every bulletin and logs any actions highlighted. A log of the actions is included at Appendix 3 to enable Pension Board Members to ensure appropriate activities are being undertaken




7.    Recommendation

7.1.        That Pension Board Members note the contents of this report.

7.2.        That Pension Board Members note the contents of the Breaches Log and determine whether a report should be made to the Pensions Regulator.



Phillippa Cockerill

Head of Pensions Administration

County Hall



28 June 2023

Background Papers - Nil